Being resilient after tragedies, being patient after lockdowns, giving up genuine face-to-face contacts with others upon whom we depend – friends, family, neighbours and a wider sense of community. That’s what we’ve been asked to do and we’ve been doing for over a year now, all over the world.
However it might happen that our previous ways of coping aren’t working anymore and we might be experiencing anxiety, loneliness exacerbated by social isolation due to quarantine and social-distancing guidelines, fear, and unemployment and financial factors.
We might be feeling depressed, thinking of ways of escaping our current situation; running away, relationship breakup.
We might feel our energies shutting down, our sense of humor, our sense of humor, our creativity, our desire to wake up in the morning, slowly slip away, get out of hand and we might feel that we are not good enough, smart enough, strong enough, to overcome this.
Well, there is a reason if I say ‘WE’. I’m here to tell you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Wherever you are in the world, I hear you.
Give it a try, talk to somebody who is trained to listen.
Do not let your negative thoughts take control of your life. You are special and unique, don’t you ever forget. You deserve some time for your self care.
Counselling can help, I can help.
Invest in your relationship with yourself
We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so, we can sometimes neglect our relationship with ourselves. Let me be your advocate and show you a kinder, gentler way to treat the most important person in your life.
Contact me here!
By the way, working on yourself doesn’t have to be so expensive, check here our offers, you can start now, for only €12.99!
Have a look here!!!