Author: wp_13227953

Love Yourself. Be Brave. Ask for Help.

How to be Less Defensive

Being defensive is usually a less than optimal way of responding. Being defensive serves to escalate the situation and create further barriers to meaningful communication. Whether something was said to you in spite, or you merely misinterpreted a comment, avoiding an aggressive response is often more prudent. Discover some ways to stop being so defensive:…
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Love yourself, invest in yourself!

Invest in Yourself and Enjoy the Difference You spend time and money keeping your car in good shape, but what about your body? You do things for your children, but what about yourself? Why not spend some time, money, and effort on yourself? There’s a lot you can do to invest in yourself. See how…
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How to Recover From a Stage Fright episode

Have you ever been a victim of stage fright? You were beyond prepared for your speech or performance, yet nothing came out of your mouth. You now feel devastated because of that embarrassing experience! Luckily, it really isn’t the end of the world. Your imperfection just means you’re human. You can move past such an…
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How to Break Free from Your Fear of Flying

If you have a fear of flying, you’re not alone. Estimates about the number of people who are afraid of flying vary quite a bit. A poll conducted by Newsweek magazine back in 1999 reported that 50% of the adults they surveyed were frightened, at least some of the time, when flying on commercial airlines.…
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Successfully Manage Procrastination

Surely you procrastinate at one time or another – or maybe all the time. Even if you’re one of those unusual folks who only procrastinate occasionally, you’ll find some helpful hints here for managing this habit. Getting your tasks completed on time is a sign that you have control over yourself and your life. You’ll…
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Body Shaming – How to deal with it

The term body shaming is quite self explanatory (body and shame). It indicates an attitude of derision, humiliation and offense towards someone’s physical appearance. One can perform body shaming both on themselves, if compared with others, and on other people, criticizing their physical appearance. Western societies typically overvalue physical beauty and external appearance. These cultures, consider physically…
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How to Maintain Perspective During Challenging Times

Maintaining a positive attitude provides the best opportunity to find a solution. If you’re forced to deal with a negative situation, why not do it with a smile? Use these strategies to keep a level head when everything is going wrong: Find a way to learn from the challenge. Challenging times can be excellent learning opportunities.…
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Remove your FEAR

Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will S.Kassem It’s unlikely you have any issues in your life that weren’t created by fear. You might not think that fear is behind your financial or relationship challenges. However, if you’re honest with yourself, you’ll probably realize that many of your obstacles are caused by your fears and…
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Let go of your Inferiority Complex

Discover How You Can Let Go of Your Inferiority Complex We’re all inferior to others in some fashion. Everyone is different. However, there’s a difference between not having all the talents and skills you wish to possess and holding the belief that you’re fundamentally flawed. How does one develop an inferiority complex? What’s the solution? Creating…
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Are you in control of your emotions?

Learning to Control Your Emotions Some of us have great control over our emotional responses, and some of us struggle. Doing or saying the wrong thing in the midst of an emotional meltdown could have very negative effects. Say something your boss doesn’t like and you could be out of a job. Gain control of your…
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