Month: April 2021

Love Yourself. Be Brave. Ask for Help.

Clearing your Mind – Easy Meditation Tips

Meditation is a great way to clear your mind of the worries and stresses of the day. If you’re not familiar with this method of relaxation, you may think it’s difficult, however with practice, you’ll find that it’s not hard at all. Starting a Meditative Practice Want to know what the hardest part of meditation…
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Discovering Inner Strength

Even though life can be a fantastic ride, sometimes it can also knock the wind out ofyour sails. When tough times trigger your insecurities, you can discover an innerstrength that will get you through practically anything. Try these ideas to get started: Reflect on the tough times you’ve had before. Ask yourself how you got…
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Feeling overwhelmed after lockdowns and restrictions? Try counselling

Being resilient after tragedies, being patient after lockdowns, giving up genuine face-to-face contacts with others upon whom we depend – friends, family, neighbours and a wider sense of community. That’s what we’ve been asked to do and we’ve been doing for over a year now, all over the world. However it might happen that our…
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