5 Day Mindfullness Challenge

Love Yourself. Be Brave. Ask for Help.

Sylvia Boorstein said, “Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience.”

It’s hard for me to overstate the importance of mindfulness. 

Those who have it live more joyful, simpler, happier lives. 

Those who don’t find themselves scattered, rushed, ANXIOUS, and never able to truly rest. 

It breaks my heart when I see people who just can’t be mindful. Who can’t be fully PRESENT. Who aren’t truly AWARE of themselves. 

So, I created a very powerfull 5-Day Mindfulness Challenge

Have you signed up for it yet?

Each day, you’ll receive a simple challenge that contains both a reflection and an action. 

The reflection will get you thinking deeply about mindfulness and the action will get you moving to actually INCREASE it. 

I really don’t want you to miss this. 

It’s very important to me that you learn the beautiful practice of mindfulness. 

So, sign up now!